International legal Service
International legal Service
Our office receives numerous inquiries regarding proper procedure for purchasing and selling properties in Japan and we have assisted many foreigners from the initial information gathering stage to the buy or sell transaction and related property title registrations.

What we offer:

We are a licensed and legally registered scriveners office (shiho-shoshi) and perform the same function in Japan as a solicitor would in other countries. We provide all services to do with the buying and selling of property, company registration and many other functions.
Our one-stop service (in English and Japanese) can carry out or coordinate all necessary functions for the purchase or sale of real estate in Japan, including but not limited to:
Information on properties currently available in the market.
Introduction and coordination with a licensed real estate agent.
Checking, verification and translation of legal documents such as purchase or sales contracts.
Escrow service for property funds transfer through our secure and licensed lawyer bank account.
Transfer ownership registration service through official government legal registries.
Why should I use your office vs. a typical real estate company?
As a legal / judicial scriveners office, we are most commonly involved in the legal transaction and registration change of property, however we have realized over the years that it can become confusing and overwhelming for buyers from other countries or foreigners residing in Japan to deal with many different parties and agencies.
At our office?
Our service provides you with an almost one-stop shop for your real estate transaction in Japan. As we are qualified and registered lawyers we will guide you through your real estate transaction from start to finish and carry out all official legal registrations. This combined with our ability to work in both Japanese and English can give you confidence and peace of mind that you deserve.
For more information, general enquiries or to move to the next step in your transaction, please contact us.
Useful Information for the Purchase of
Property in Japan
Can a foreigner buy property in Japan?
Yes. There are no restrictions on foreigners buying property in Japan, and it doesn’t matter if you are a resident, non-resident or your visa status. The only minor differences between a foreigner buying property versus a Japanese national are mainly to do with the confirmation of identity (you might need to get your documents officially verified in your country) and bank account confirmation. Otherwise the only legal requirement is to provide a written notification to the Bank of Japan for purchase of property, which is carried out in conjunction with a judicial scrivener during the property purchase process.

Are there any restrictions of the ownership of land in Japan?
No there are no restrictions on ownership of land in Japan. Usually, when buying a property in Japan the ownership of property and land is provided to the There are of course leasehold contracts for land in Japan, which are granted for agreed periods of time, but these are clearly specified and agreed to before a transaction takes place.

What taxes am I liable for, and how much are they? Taxes will add between 6-7% to the purchase price. For more information on taxation issues including annual fixed-asset (property) taxes to plan for please enquire with us directly.

If you use an agent to buy a property, you will have to pay a commission / brokerage fee usually of 3% of the purchase price, plus consumption tax (currently 8%).
The taxes and fees you can expect to pay when buying land or property in Japan include:
  • Explanation Property Acquisitions Taxes
  • Fixed Asset Taxes
  • Stamp Duties
  • Registration and Licensing Fees
  • Legal Fees
  • Property Management Reserve Funds
  • Brokerage Fees
  • Insurance Premiums, and more.
Our office works on your behalf and calculates all necessary taxes for land or property registration in Japan, and can assist you with other requirements like insurance.
Financing Options for Foreigners
Some Japanese banks lend to resident foreigners in Japan, however it is usually only common if you have permanent residence status or are married to a Japanese citizen.
If you neither a permanent resident or married to a Japanese citizen, it will be very difficult to find a lender in Japan, but some banks may deal with you on a case-by-case basis. Our office proactively works with many domestic and international banks in Japan. Everyone’s circumstances are different and we have vast experience dealing assisting all types of financial requirements. One of the benefits of borrowing from a bank in Japan is the low interest rates (currently between 1-4% for a typical housing loan.)
Finding your Ideal Property
Once you have decided on the general parameters of the property you are looking for, it is time to make initial enquiries and find the right property or land that meets your needs. Our office has nearly 20 years’ experience in the Japanese real estate market including all procedures for transaction and registration needs as a law office specifying in real estate law. Although we are not a licensed real estate agency, we have relationships with agents and offices around Japan and can coordinate all procedures that require a real estate agent on your behalf.
Change of Owner Registration
As in most other countries, the issuance of an official title deed and official registration with the government are the legally binding documents proving ownership of land and/or buildings in Japan. For such procedures to be made, there will usually be a formal meeting arranged between the seller and the buying (including a representative of the lender if financing is being used), and a judicial scrivener (司法書士, shiho-shoshi) that has been authorized by the seller to act on their behalf for the change of legal registration etc.

The main roles of our office as the judicial scrivener in your real estate transaction are:

Responsibility for completing the legal transfer of ownership registration from the seller to the buyer on behalf of the seller.
Ensuring on behalf of the buyer that there are no last minute unexpected mortgages or other third-party encumbrances on the property.